I’m honored to present a number of tried, tested and
true Keynotes and Seminars within the Leadership Category.
They can be booked individually or in any number that fits your needs. Feel free to mix and match presentations from other categories as well.

Leadership Skills for the New Millenium - Powerful tools for total leadership success
Got Leadership? To be successful in life these days, leadership skills are not only necessary, they are mandatory. It’s often the difference between sinking or swimming. Most employees feel as if they are sinking because they don’t know how to use leadership skills or they weren’t shown how to identify them in the first place.
It’s a different world out there and everyone needs to know how to take things to the next level when it comes to effective leadership. Is leadership something that one is born with, or can it be taught? Imagine what a different world it would be if those in a position of leadership lead from their heart instead of their head! True leadership skills can change everything for the better.
Identify and demonstrate their own, unique Personal Leadership Skills Toolbox
Discover and implement their “Inner” Leader Connection
Perform leadership skills that effect positive change
Understand and incorporate my Five Pillars of Leadership for the New Millennium

Ready?...Set...FOCUS!!!!! - How to zero in and not let anything stop you from getting to where you need to be!

There's so much noise in the world today. How do you push all of that aside and get done what you need to get done? It's easier than you think. With this topic I share easy ways that you and your staff can use to see any task through with razor sharp focus.
Understand and demonstrate Robert’s easy and effective tips on how to focus in a better way
Know what to do when focusing becomes a problem…and how to solve it
Realize and any goal and the steps it takes to successfully cross the finish line

Heart and Soul - How to Live Your Passion Each and Every Day!

It's a crazy world out there and you're busier than ever. With so much pressure on your shoulders, how do you get to a place where your heart and soul becomes the center of your day? Your passion for being of service to others is still burning within you. How do you reconnect with it? I will show you how easy it is to live life from your passion, heart and soul. Doing so makes all the difference not only in your world, but THE world.
Demonstrate what passion is and why it’s so important to have when completing a task
Recognize how to get passion when they don’t think they have it
Have a full working knowledge of being in the Passion Zone all hours of the day

The Happiness Factor!

Happiness is an energy, a palatable thing that if modeled correctly, is infectious! It's one thing to feel happy from time to time, but how do you incorporate happiness and joy into your professional life so that you can radiate it each and every day? Sounds impossible but it's easier than you might think. Learn the five steps that anyone can use to feel happy at the drop of a hat! It's the difference between night and day!
Understand why so many are unhappy and how this effects one’s work day and life
Be aware of what triggers unhappiness within them
Demonstrate my Five Steps to Lasting Happiness and make it work for them